The task was to design the CD digipak and booklet for next intriguing music project of Baraka ethno-jazz band (Riga, Latvia). I spent a lot of time pondering the design concept until on one of the wonderful sunny days I went with a slight transparent-plastic face stencil to the city of Lod and brushed on the authentic eastern urban wall face graffiti of Ahmad Zahir* which photograph I put than on front of digipak and inside in center beneath the CD tray.
Visiting of authentic eastern Islamic urban environment prompted to appear the project participants faces as the street art, graffiti and scraps of the street posters and commercials pasted on the walls of the contemporary eastern city. And this in its turn influenced to decision to use of the elements of modern video post-production visual effects and contemporary Iranian typography in booklet design together.
*the Afghan singer and songwriter which tribute was recorded by Baraka and couple of famous Tajik rappers (feat Zarina Tadjibaeva)